Peter J. Adams Book Description



Gambling, Freedom and Democracy

New York: Routledge, 2007   (236 pages)     ISBN:  1135907293,   9781135907297


As a consequence of the rapid proliferation of commercial gambling in Western-style democracies, governments and communities are encountering a complex array of economic, social and cultural harms associated with this expansion. This book focuses specifically on harms to democratic systems. It examines how people with key roles in democratic structures are vulnerable to subtle influence from the burgeoning profits of gambling. It focuses particularly on the Western-style democracies of North America, Europe and Australasia. It argues that governments have a duty of care to protect their own democratic processes from subtle degradations and that independence from the gambling industries needs to be proactively built into public sector structures and processes. It outlines how a public health approach, harm minimisation strategies and international conventions can provide the base for protecting the integrity of democratic systems.

Where to Find

Routledge:   Publisher’s Link  
Amazon:   Paperback        Kindle   


Gambling Freedom and Democracy should be read by politicians, gambling providers, researchers, regulators and others intimately involved with this love/hate gaming industry. The book would make an excellent roundtable discussion for a gaming conference. It may be viewed as an important awareness tool, a warning worth remembering even if the predicted tragedies never occur. If Adams is right, short term thinking that covets the rake-ins of fat gaming revenue and the creation of new jobs may eventually work to our detriment. We might begin now to imagine what the loss of our basice political entitlements might mean and take the bold steps laid out in Gambling Freedom and Democracy to guard future generations from the debilitating effects of the gaming and wagering business   (Review in UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal, 13 (1) 60). See full review
Betty McNeil

University of Las Vegas Gaming Research and Review Journal, 2009