Reviews & Endorsements
Masculine Empire: How Men use Violence to Keep Women in Line
Auckland: Dunmore Press, 2021
It is an unusual work. I have never read anything quite like it… The way he has taken the ongoing conversation of this group and shaped it into a critical assessment of the discourses, rationalizations, misunderstandings, and emotional scars of men’s lives, including ways that some men can and do change their understanding of their entitlement to domination and control in the family, makes this work a helpful contribution to the literature on men’s violence.” (Review in Men & Masculinities 16 (5). See full review
I thank Peter Adams for being part of the fight against gender-based violence and for reaching out to men on such an important issue… This book can be useful for psychologists and social workers who work with perpetrators of domestic violence and with victims of such violence, and for academics and activists who are involved with or interested in gender-based violence. In addition, I am convinced that this book is a good read for the general population as well, as it will serve as an invitation to both men and women to reflect on the ways they position themselves in intimate relationships and hopefully produce an awakening for both. (Review in Feminism & Psychology, 24(4), 562-6). See full review

Other References
- 2018 TOWNS, A & ADAMS, P. Discursive psychology and domestic violence. In press. Chapter 3 in Stephen Gibson (ed.) Discourse, Peace, and Conflict: Discursive Psychology Perspectives, New York: Springer.
- 2012 ADAMS, P. J. Interventions with men who are violent to their partners: Strategies for early engagement. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 38(3), 458-470 [8,000 words, IF 1.2].
- 1999 TOWNS, A. & ADAMS, P. “If I really loved him enough he would be okay”. Violence Against Women 6(6), 558-585 [IF 1.0, ranked 18 of 40 on women’s studies].
- 1995 ADAMS, P.J., TOWNS, A., & GAVEY, N. Dominance and entitlement: the rhetoric men use to discuss their violence towards women. Discourse and Society, 6(3), 387-406 [IF 1.4].